YEAR 12 (2019/2020): FROM A CLASS OF 18 STUDENTS
- Ms Elizabeth Thomas: Medical School, U.S.A.
- Miss Kate Stanley: Marie Curie PhD Student with the MATER consortium, Belgium.
- Dr Nadine D'Silva: Clinical Medicine, UK.
- Dr Yiying Xiao: Clinical Medicine, Australia.
- Miss Yifan Wang: D.Phil student, Nuffield Department of Women's & Reproductive Health, University of Oxford, UK.
- Dr Lorelí Mejía Fernández: Lecturer, School of Medicine and Health Sciences of Tecnológico de Monterrey and Andrologist, Mexico
- Dr Mary Ansong: Masters Student, Quantic School of Business and Technology, USA & Clinical Medicine, Ghana.
- Mr Yazan Hamzeh: Andrologist, Austin Fertility and Reproductive Medicine in Austin, Texas, USA.
- Miss Margarita Vergara: Trainee Embryologist at Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA.
- Miss Andrea Ramos Nufio: Junior Embryologist, MVZ Kinderwunsch & Endometriose Zentrum, Germany.
- Miss Kenaz Abuzenada: Andrologist, Centre of Innovation in Personalised Medicine, King Fahd Medical Research Centre in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
- Miss Kasarina Mann: Medical Student, University of Sydney, Australia.
- Miss Aleksandra Byrska: PhD student, University of Warwick, UK.
- Mrs Bridget Bell (née Quinones): Reproductive Associate & Embryology Technician, The Centre for Reproductive & Genetic Health (CRGH), London, UK.