YEAR 10 (2017/2018): FROM A CLASS OF 16 STUDENTS
- Dr Evangelia Myttaraki: Clinical Medicine, UK.
- Dr Thomas Yeung: Clinical Medicine, Australia.
- Miss Savni Sawant: Clinical Embryologist, IVI Mumbai, India.
- Dr Anthony Kayiira: Trainee Embryologist & Clinical Fellow in Reproductive Medicine, Lifesure Fertility Center, Uganda.
- Miss Stephanie Dolling: Laboratory Technician, Frozen Embryo and Sperm Archive (FESA) laboratory, Medical Research Council, UK.
- Miss Columba Avila Perez: D.Phil student, Nuffield Department of Women's & Reproductive Health, University of Oxford, UK.
- Miss Mila Zemyarska: Graduate Medical Student, Cambridge, UK.
- Miss Sareena Sharma: Trainee Embryologist, IVF London, UK.
- Dr Nina Zoric: Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway.
- Miss Shezae Khan: Trainee Embryologist, Lahore Institute of Fertility and Endocrinology (LIFE), Lahore, Pakistan.
- Mr Andrew Wang: Trainee Embryologist, Christchurch Clinic of Fertility Associates, New Zealand.
- Miss Gurmeher Chadha: Scientific Writer & Researcher, Wellowise, Delhi, India.
- Miss Maryam Rahbar: D.Phil student, Nuffield Department of Women's & Reproductive Health, University of Oxford, UK.
- Miss Ritu Gada: Junior Embryologist, Bloom IVF, Mumbai, India.
- Miss Hannah Meadows: Trainee Embryologist, Oxford Fertility, TFP, Oxford, UK.
- Dr Tanaya Narendra: Clinical Medicine and Medical Education, India