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Professor Sir Richard Gardner presenting the Achievement in Biosciences Award 2015/2016 to Miss Shelby Sparby. © Nuffield Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Professor Sir Richard Gardner presenting the Achievement in Biosciences Award 2015/2016 to Miss Shelby Sparby.

Course staff awarded the `Achievement in Bioscience' prize for the Academic Year 2015/16 to Miss Shelby Sparby for her consistency and commitment throughout the course. This new prize was developed in association with Oxford University Press (OUP).  Shelby’s positive approach led to her becoming the overall most improved student in the cohort.  Congratulations to Shelby for winning this new prize and £150 worth of Oxford University Press books.


This new prize is awarded to the candidate who displays the most focus, determination, improvement and consistency throughout the one year taught MSc in Clinical Embryology course. The prize is judged by the Course staff who interact with the students on a daily basis. Course staff consider a variety of non-academic aspects including the student’s attendance, leadership and team building skills as well as their overall approach to the course. Academic prizes are not only a way of recognising students’ academic achievements but are also a great way of improving students CV’s. The course places emphasis on professional development and the development of transferable skills, making our students highly employable.

Each year the MSc Clinical Embryology students also compete for another two prizes which are awarded to students as recognition of their academic achievement. The “Best Research Project” which is judged by the Board of Examiners reflects the performance of the student during their 13 week research project. The “Nikon Prize” for the candidate who displays performance, enthusiasm, and motivation in micromanipulation practical sessions.