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Krina Zondervan

One hundred years of Oxford degrees for women! This truly is a milestone worthy of celebration as well as reflection. Celebration - as we think of the many trailblazing women who took Oxford degrees and paved the way towards our current society, which holds more opportunity for gender equality with every passing decade. Reflection - as so much remains to be done to increase the proportion and diversity of women in leadership roles.  As an Oxford graduate and the first female head of the Nuffield Department of Women's & Reproductive Health, this is a key priority I shall be working on in the years to come.  Our department has a rich history of exceptional women - starting with Dr Anne Anderson who joined the University of Oxford in 1973 and became university lecturer and honorary consultant in clinical reproductive physiology in the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. She led research into the birth process in sheep and also took on studies of the causes and management of preterm labour, gynaecological endocrinology, and infertility. She was a major contributor to evidence-based health care and made a huge impact, so much so, our lecture theatre is named in her honour.  Many outstanding women are following in her footsteps and continue to contribute and inspire other women to improve health knowledge for the good of their communities. So to celebrate this very important centenary, here are just a few of the amazing women flying the flag in our department. 
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