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Is Large Birth Cohort Data Still a Priority?

Professor Terry Dwyer, Executive Director The George Institute

In this `viewpoint' article, first published in JAMA Paediatr., Professor Terry Dwyer, Executive Director of the George Institute looks at the implications of the US decision in 2014 to stop funding the US National Children’s Study (NCS).  

He talks about what has been lost by taking this decision and how studies such as this might still be important almost 20 years after they began.  Professor Dwyer believes that conditions such as childhood cancer and birth defects are missing key pieces in the puzzle that only prospective data and biospecimen analysis can provide.

Read the full article. Dwyer T, Magnus P, Olsen J. In the Aftermath of the National Children’s StudyIs Large Birth Cohort Data Still a Priority?. JAMA Pediatr. Published online January 09, 2017. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2016.3968. 



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