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Mike Murphy

Mike Murphy

Mike Murphy

BA , MB BChir , MA , MSc

Retired Consultant Epidemiologist

  • Visiting research worker in NDOG

Mike Murphy graduated in Natural Sciences/Medicine from King's College Cambridge (via St George's Hospital Medical School, London) in 1976. He began his career as an academic epidemiologist with an MSc at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, awarded in 1982. Since then he has twice, for several years at a time, divided his working time between University posts as an epidemiologist (Southampton then Oxford) and the Medical Statistics Division at OPCS, London (now ONS).

Since 1987 he has worked continuously at the University of Oxford, and began work on ongoing epidemiological projects in conjunction with NDOG from that time.
His posts in Oxford over the period have included Directing a General Practice Research Group and the Childhood Cancer Research Group, until his retirement in 2014. His enduring interests are the impact of pregnancy exposures on disease risks in the child so conceived, and the long term health of the mother.