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Mariana Tome


Clinical Research Fellow & DPhil Student

  • DPhil Student
  • PI group: Professor Antoniya Georgieva
  • Specialty Trainee in Obstetrics and Gyneacology Health Education Thames Valley

I completed my undergraduate training at the Charles University of Prague in 2011 before undertaking clinical training in obstetrics and gynaecology in the Thames Valley region.

Since May 2021 I have been working as a clinical research fellow for Prof Georgieva as part of the Fetal Monitoring Group and undertaking a DPhil in Women's and Reproductive Health. 

My main interests are fetal and maternal medicine and my current research focuses on co-designing and experiment a data-driven cardiotocography (CTG) software to assess fetal wellbeing at the onset of term labour. 

Along side with my DPhil work, I am working as an Obstetric clinical research fellow with the Wellcome LEAP In-Utero program aimed to reduce the number of stillbirths by half around the world.


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