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Lysia Demetriou

Postdoctoral Research Assistant in Neuroimaging and Pain Data Analysis

I am a post-doc researcher in the Pain in Women and the EndoCaRe research groups. As a cognitive neuroscientist I am interested in investigating the effects of chronic pain on the brain using imaging methods and the impact of this pain on people’s quality of life.

I am currently working on the data analysis of the Translational Research in Pelvic Pain (TRiPP) study, which focuses on two specific types of chronic pain: endometriosis-associated pain (EAP) and bladder pain syndrome (BPS). 

In addition to my research, I am module co-leader for the Reproductive Science course of the Graduate Medicine program.

Prior to joining the group I completed a PhD in Clinical Medicine Research at Imperial College London, an MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of York and a BSc in Psychology at the University of Warwick. During my PhD I investigated the effects of the novel reproductive hormone kisspeptin in the brain and specifically in the limbic system using fMRI.

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