Student Provision
Student provision
1. What supervision arrangements will there be?
You will have two named supervisors to support your work: a primary supervisor and a secondary supervisor. Your primary supervisor will normally be specified in your offer letter. Your secondary supervisor will be identified by the end of your first term.
The supervisors will have overall responsibility for the direction of your work. You should expect to have one to one formal meetings (minimum twice a term, but usually weekly) with your primary supervisor where your research and progress will be reviewed and the contents of the termly supervision report discussed and agreed.
The Director of Graduate Studies and your College Adviser also form part of your supervisory team.
2. What induction arrangements will be made?
All new graduate research students will receive a full induction when they join the department, which takes place the first week of October. You will be sent details of your induction schedule at the beginning of the September before you start.
3. What workspace will be provided?
Workspace will be related to individual circumstances. If undertaking experimental work, you will be provided with bench space in a laboratory. If undertaking theoretical research, you will have shared office space.
4. What IT support/ library facilities/ experimental facilities will be available?
You will have access to the Medical Sciences Division IT Support, Bodleian Library services such as the Radcliffe Science Library and the Cairns Library, and experimental facilities as appropriate to the research topic. The provision of other resources specific to your project should be agreed with your supervisor as a part of the planning stages of the agreed project.
5. What arrangements for accommodation, meals and social facilities, will be made, on a year round basis?
The department has a communal rest area on Level 3 of the Women’s Centre, which is used by staff and students for lunch and coffee breaks, and also for some departmental events. This encourages interaction between research groups. There are also a number of different cafes in the John Radcliffe Hospital.
Many colleges will be able to provide you with at least one year’s accommodation. Generally speaking, your college will provide meals throughout the year, but provision will vary from college to college, especially during vacations, and you will need to familiarise yourself with your college’s detailed arrangements. In addition there are usually self-catering facilities available in graduate accommodation. You will be a member of the Middle Common Room, or equivalent, of your college, which is the main social centre for graduates. The MCR provides a common room and usually organises a programme of social events throughout the year. The college will also provide a bar, some computing facilities and a library, and may often have dedicated funds for research (conference and field grants). It also represents the interests of its members to the college through an elected Committee or through elected representatives to College Committees. Again, details will vary from college to college. Graduates are also welcome to participate in all other social and sporting activities of the college. Please see individual college websites for further details about all aspects of college provision.
Graduate Research Students may become members of the University Club in Mansfield Road, and participate in the range of sporting activities provided by the University.
6. What arrangements are in place for pastoral and welfare support?
Within the department, your supervisors, Director of Graduate Studies, and Graduate Studies team are all available to offer support.
There is an extensive framework of support for graduates within each college. Your college will allocate to you a College Advisor from among its Senior Members, usually in a cognate subject, who will arrange to see you from time to time and whom you may contact for additional advice and support on academic and other matters. In college you may also approach the Tutor for Graduates and/or the Senior Tutor for advice. The Tutor for Graduates is a fellow of the college with particular responsibility for the interests and welfare of graduate students. In some colleges, the Senior Tutor will also have the role of Tutor for Graduates. Each college will also have other named individuals who can offer individual advice.
The University provides a range of resources to support you throughout your graduate career, including a comprehensive website on looking after your health and welfare, and a professionally staffed confidential Student Counselling Service, which offers assistance with personal, emotional, social and academic problems.
The University also offers a Careers Service, which provides support for research students in identifying and pursuing their chosen career.