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Direct current cardioversion in pregnancy: a multicentre study.

Journal article

Cauldwell M. et al, (2023), BJOG, 130, 1269 - 1274

Digital Health and Machine Learning Technologies for Blood Glucose Monitoring and Management of Gestational Diabetes

Journal article

Lu HY. et al, (2023), IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering

AI in Obstetrics Gynaecology


Mathewlynn S. and Mackillop L., (2023), AI in Clinical Medicine: A Practical Guide for Healthcare Professionals, 239 - 252

Experience and opinions relating to pregnancy in patients with chronic intestinal failure: an international survey.

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Bond A. et al, (2023), Frontline Gastroenterol, 14, 377 - 383

Cross‐sectional diagnostic accuracy study of self‐testing for proteinuria during hypertensive pregnancies: The UDIP study

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Jakubowski BE. et al, (2022), BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, 129, 2142 - 2148

Thrombophilia testing: A British Society for Haematology guideline.

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Arachchillage DJ. et al, (2022), Br J Haematol, 198, 443 - 458

Vaccinations in pregnancy.

Journal article

Cairns A. et al, (2022), Obstet Gynaecol Reprod Med, 32, 163 - 171

Pregnancies in women with Turner syndrome: a retrospective multicentre UK study.

Journal article

Cauldwell M. et al, (2022), BJOG, 129, 796 - 803

Improving diagnostic accuracy in pregnancy with individualised, gestational age-specific reference intervals

Journal article

Dockree S. et al, (2022), Clinica Chimica Acta, 527, 56 - 60

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