IX - 1993 Guidelines for management of mild hypertension. Memorandum from a WHO/ISH meeting
Zanchetti A., Chalmers J., Arakawa K., Gyarfas I., Hamet P., Hansson L., Julius S., MacMahon S., Mancia G., Menard J., Omae T., Reid J., Safar M.
The present guidelines were prepared by the Guidelines Sub-Committee of the WHO/ISH Mild Hypertension Liaison Committee. They present the third revision of the WHO/ISH guidelines and were finalized after presentation and discussion at the 6th WHO/ISH Meeting on Mild Hypertension held in Chantilly, France on 28-31 March 1993. The previous WHO/ISH guidelines were published in Bull WHO 1989;67:493-498, and J Hypertens 1989;7:689-693.