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Join us for an immersive journey into the world of reproductive science at our MSc in Clinical Embryology Virtual Open Event at 12:00pm (GMT) on Wednesday, February 21st, 2024. To register: email

Join us for an immersive journey into the world of reproductive science at our MSc in Clinical Embryology Virtual Open Event.

Whether you have already applied, or are thinking of applying, this is a great opportunity to discover what sets our one-year, residential taught MSc apart, including:

  • Taught by world leading experts and award-winning educators at the University of Oxford.
  • Hands-on laboratory practical sessions.
  • Explore cutting-edge techniques vital for ART and scientific research.
  • Receive individualised training in gamete manipulation and infra-red laser embryo biopsy.
  • Delve into advanced theoretical and practical insights into human reproductive biology, embryology, infertility, and assisted reproductive technology (ART).

For more information about our course, visit our MSc in Clinical Embryology page.

To register for the virtual event, please email

Join us and become part of our legacy of inspiring and training future leaders in clinical embryology and reproductive science. 

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