Microscopy and analysis at the Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics
Dr James Bancroft, WCHG
Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 1pm to 2pm
Hosted by seminars@wrh.ox.ac.uk
The Cellular Imaging Core Facility at the Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics hosts a wide range of microscopes and supports users in the application of multiple imaging methodologies including super-resolution (dSTORM, SoRa, Airyscan), confocal, widefield and high-content imaging. We also provide access to and training on the latest analysis software and high end processing workstations. To optimise end results we work with users to design assays before they reach the microscope to optimise the images obtained and simplify analysis pipelines. As well as training and supporting independent core use we also work collaboratively with groups on a number of projects. In this seminar we will showcase some of the technology available in the core and the biological questions it has allowed us to address.
Please note this talk will take place on zoom only.