Microfluidic innovation for gene and drug delivery
Professor Jeung Sang Go (Pussan National University, South Korea)
Tuesday, 06 June 2023, 1pm to 2pm
Hosted by seminars@wrh.ox.ac.uk
“I have collaborated with Professor Jeung Sang Go for over 13 years since Prof Go’s sabbatical in Oxford in 2010. Development of new devices to centrifuge small volumes, building 3D perfusion systems and developing microparticle encapsulations are just some of the exciting projects we have been working on. Jeung Sang has also become a good friend, but not when we play golf! In 2017 Jeung sang took his microfluidic assembly systems into a new start up company and this will be the focus of his talk. For further information on Jeung Sang’s journey see below” - Professor Karl Morten
Journey from academic research to enParticle
Professor Jeung Sang Go
Microfluidics has been applied to various application areas including bioscience, pharmaceuticals, IT and cosmetics. Since 2004 my research has focused on making mono-disperse micro/nanoparticles by using Microfluidics technology.
One of the key technical challenges of my work has been to produce large numbers of particles in a microchannel the size of a human hair. It has taken about 20 years to solve the limitations of microfluidic particle production and produce machines that can mass-produce particles at scale. Following encouragement from my University I finally moved into the start-up company space founding company enParticle on my birthday in January 17, 2019.
enParticle’s business model has three core areas. These include sales of our lipid nanoparticles formulation machines named enCELLmaster. We are also looking for end-users to take our machines and explore new areas of particle research. enCELL machines are going into a range of diverse research areas with our long term objective to then scale up the capacity to synthesize large amounts of material in enParticle’s mass-production system. The third area is a service function, CDMO service with enCELLsacle-up machine. We are currently focusing on pharmaceutical,medical and cosmetic sectors.
Since the launch of enCELLmaster in September, 2022, we have sold 6 machines to universities and companies with further sales expected in 2023. As part of my long term collaboration with Professor Karl Morten in the Nuffield Department of Reproductive and Women’s Health (NDWRH) we will be siting one of our enCELL machines in Professor Morten’s laboratory from May 2023. This will allow us to further our collaborations with NDWRH and the wider University of Oxford research community.