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Catarina Palma Dos Reis

DPhil Student

  • PI Group: Dr Manu Vatish

DPhil Student

I am currently a second year DPhil Student at the Nuffield Department of Woman's and Reproductive Health working under the supervision of Prof. Manu Vatish.

I concluded my medical degree (MD) in NOVA Medical School (Portugal) in 2015, followed by a two-year post-graduation in clinical research (Harvard Clinical Scholars Research Training), where I was awarded Harvard’s best Capstone project (2019). I am since 2017 a medical resident in Obstetrics/Gynecology at Maternidade Dr. Alfredo da Costa, Lisbon. 

My current research involves methods to diagnose and understand the pathophysiology of Fetal Growth Restriction (FGR), a severe condition that is associated with up to 30% of stillbirths. We will look in particular for placental derived biomarkers, through placental perfusion and maternal serum analysis (using samples collected in the setting of a clinical trial in Portugal).

This work has been made possible by Clarendon Fund; Christ Church Scholarship; Saven European Scholarship; NDWRH Studentship; and prize “Merk Sharp and Dome Investigação em Saúde”.