It is currently very difficult to compare different management strategies for complex obstetric surgery, such as hysterectomy for severe Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS), as there is no widely accepted consensus for the classification of maternal surgical morbidity. Many studies focus on the amount of blood products transfused or admission to intensive care units (ICU). However, these are dependent on local policies and available resources. It also gives an incomplete representation of the entire 'patient journey' after they leave the operating room. Subsequent repeat procedures for lower urinary track damage is arguably worse from the woman's perspective than a short stay on an intensive care unit (ICU) for observation. We suggest a version of the Clavien-Dindo morbidity classification specific to obstetrics. Then employ it to build a quantitative morbidity score which aims to reflect the whole 'patient experience' including the post-operative pathway. We then demonstrate the utility of this system in a cohort of women with Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS). The Clavien-Dindo classification was modified to reflect obstetric procedures and a quantitative morbidity measure, the Soleymani and Collins Obstetric Morbidity Score (SaCOMS), was developed based on this. Both were then validated using a survey-based consultation of a panel of experts in PAS and retrospectively applied to a cohort of 54 women who underwent caesarean hysterectomy for PAS. Clinicians with expertise in PAS believe that the Modified Obstetric Clavien-Dindo classification system and the novel SaCOMS tool can improve assessment of maternal morbidity, and better reflect the 'patient experience'. Application of the classification system to a single-centre PAS cohort suggested that surgery by gynecologic-oncology surgeons may be associated with decreased incidence and cumulative morbidity outcomes for women with PAS, especially those with the most severe presentation. This study presents a clinically useful obstetric-specific classification system for surgical morbidity. SaCOMS also provides a quantitative reflection of the full patient- journey experienced as a result of surgical complications enabling a more patient-centered representation of morbidity.
Journal article
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol
148 - 155
Complex obstetric surgery, Maternal morbidity, Morbidity scoring, Obstetric morbidity, Placenta accreta spectrum